
If there are no job openings at the moment we would be pleased to receive your unsolicited job application, in which you shortly give us arguments of why we should invite you to an interview – in our search for the most talented employees to Tomex.

Please send your application og CV to unless other is specified for a specific job.

We process your personal data in accordance to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

New Market

If you are the person with the idea to develop a new market or branch in the Tomex Group – then we have the company and what it takes to back up your idea.

Contact: Tom Andersen, CEO –

Current job openings:

Financial Controller

Kunne du tænke dig at blive en del af et kompetent økonomiteam, hvor du bl.a. skal deltage i perioderegnskaber og momsregnskaber, generelt bogholderi samt spille en central rolle i udarbejdelsen af årsregnskaber?Tomex Danmark A/S i Aalborg mangler deres kommende Financial Controller – måske er det dig?Kontakt meget gerne Managing Partner Torben Abildgaard på tlf.: +45 […]
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Sales Representative – Latin America and Caribbean

Come join our team. We are looking for a Sales Representative for our markets in Latin America and Caribbean. Read more
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